Open and Affirming (ONA)
At the United Church of Christ Parker Hilltop, we declare ourselves to be Open and Affirming. We welcome into our community individuals, their spouses or partners, and their children, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. We also welcome everyone, regardless of mental or physical ability, age, racial or cultural identity, economic or social status, faith background, marital status, or family structure.

Accessible to All (A2A)
In January of 2016, we became an A2A (Accessible to All) church as recognized by the United Church of Christ Disabilities Ministries. Below is the Accessibility and Inclusion Plan we have in place.
*Weekly rides set up for persons who do not drive.
*Rides offered for evening services, meetings and activities.
*Intentional inclusion of persons with physical impairments in all aspects of our ministry at UCC Parker Hilltop
*4 fully accessible bathrooms
*Chair lift between Sanctuary level and Fellowship Hall level
*Easy, level access from outside to both levels
*Reserved seating with extra room for wheelchairs and walkers
*Intentional inclusion of hearing and sight-impaired persons in all aspects of our ministry at UCCPH
*Audio headsets for parishioners
*Large-print Bulletins and Hymns
*Acceptance by the community and genuine welcome
*Awareness of the Pastor during “Time With the Children”
*Gluten-free crackers are served as an alternative to bread at every Communion celebration
*Gluten-free and sugar-free items available at most church social events, labeled